  • ERT
    West Ohio Welcomes New…

    Tom Clinch is West Ohio's new Conference Disaster Response Coordinator, effective March 1. Original…

  • Generate
    Limited Tickets Remain…

    If your congregation has ever said, “Where are the young people?” Generate is an event you want to…

  • ARound Table
    Learn about Creation…

    On Earth Day, Monday, April 22, from 5:30-6:30pm, you are invited to Connect A-Round Table for a vi…

  • UMF
    Mission u Registration…

    All are invited to attend Mission u this year, which will be held in-person June 21-23, 2024, at th…

  • Exploration2024
    West Ohio Represented…

    One hundred thirty young adults from across the world gathered in Orlando, Florida, February 16-18…

  • Dixon UMC
    Dayton Church Engages…

    Seniors who engage in lifelong learning enjoy many benefits; including adaptability, increased cogn…

  • GC 2024
    Where to Find General…

    Next Month, General Conference, the top policy-making body of The United Methodist Church, will con…

  • umfwo
    Foundation and Office…

    Applications for the Alford-Cantlin Fellowship program are now available for West Ohio clergy. In p…