Committee-Driven Annual Reports
These forms are due every year by June 1 and are not a part of the charge conference process, with the exception of the Trustee Legal & Property Report, which should be reported on at your fall charge conference.
- Trustees, please submit the Trustee Legal and Property Report by June 1. This completed report should be shared as a part of your Charge Conference reporting in the fall; it does not need to be completed again then.
- Trustees, please submit the Parsonage Inspection Form by June 1, if applicable.
- Trustees, please submit the UMC Accessibility Audit by June 1.
- Trustees, please submit the Green Church Audit by June 1.
- Finance Committee, please have the Fund Balance Report Form (audit) each year completed by June 1. Refer to the local church audit guide for assistance.
- Church Historians, please update the Church History Form.
- SPRC Commitees, the forms below are all related to the annual evaluation of a local church pastor and are all due June 1. To complete these forms, download and save them to your computer before entering data. We also recommend typing into Word then copying and pasting your information into these forms. These clergy evaluation forms cannot be saved and submitted online, but can be sent via email or mail to your district office.
Instructions for Completing Forms Online
Church/charge conference forms and annual reports should be entered and submitted online and added to your church’s record in the West Ohio Conference “Connection” database.
- Login: Your church’s “Church Data Administrator(s)” will log in on the home page of the West Ohio Conference website ( After logging in, click on “MyChurch” then "Local Church Reports” at the top black menu bar on the home page.
- MyChurch Dashboard:
Your church name should automatically appear in the middle of the page. If you have multiple churches, click on MyChurch in the menu and your other church names should appear. Click on the one you want to work on now. - Completing Charge Conference or Annual Reports Online:
After selecting the correct church, click on either Charge Conference or Annual Reports in the menu. For Annual Reports, in the middle red menu click on Annual Reporting, the appropriate year, then the report you'd like to submit. For Charge Conference forms, click on Charge Conference then the appropriate year. A web page with step-by-step instructions for downloading worksheets, entering data, printing copies and submitting final forms will appear. - Enter data and print completed forms:
Church Data Administrators may enter data collected from worksheets on the online forms, save, exit and return to edit data multiple times as needed. Print the completed forms to take to charge conference, along with the paper signature page. - Save, edit, submit:
After your charge conference, make any data corrections needed, upload a copy of the minutes, upload the signed signature page and submit.
These forms are a part of annual Church/Charge Conference Reporting
- Sample Church/Charge Conference Agenda
- Complete set of Worksheets for Data Gathering for Online Forms (available below in pdf and word formats)
- Frequently Asked Questions about Charge Conferences
Additional forms that may be needed include:
- Properly Reporting Health Insurance (for reference)
- Insurance Waiver (only if your pastor does not participate in the WOC insurance plan)
- Trustee Legal and Property Report due June 1 but a part of Charge Conference reporting
- Lay Servant Annual Report to be completed by certified lay servants, lay speakers, and certified lay ministers annually.
The complete packet of forms can be found at the bottom of this page. These forms should be completed online by the deadline provided by your District Office.
Please complete and/or upload these forms online when possible (instructions below), or email/mail them to your District Office. If you need online access to be able to complete your forms, contact your District Office and request to be made a Church Data Administrator.