Certified Lay Minister

The primary intent for the position of certified lay minister (CLM) at its inception was to serve as a congregational leader in smaller churches as part of a ministry team under the supervision of a clergyperson. Certified lay ministers may preach the word and guide the program ministry and mission of a congregation. Certified lay ministers may provide leadership in many other contexts and have responsibility for other expressions of mission and ministry, both within the congregation and in the community, district, or annual conference. Specializations for CLMs are now available in several areas of ministry, including parish nursing and church planting. The certified lay minister is not intended for occasional pulpit supply.

To become a Certified Lay Minister, you must complete the following requirements:

  1.  Be a professing and active member of a local church/charge.
  2. Complete a Lay Servant Ministries Initial Application to become a Certified Lay Minister. The online application requires you to login (or create a login) and answer some questions. Upon completion the application will be submitted to your pastor and your church's charge conference for approval, and ultimately to the district committee on lay servant ministry for follow-up. Submit the Certified Lay Ministry Academy (CLMA) Application for Admission. Students will receive notification and academy details upon acceptance into the Certified Lay Ministry Academy. Training will be through BeADisciple.
  3. Complete the BASIC course for Lay Servant Ministries.
  4. Complete the Discovering Spiritual Gifts Class.
  5. Arrange with the district administrators to setup an interview with the district DCOM. Their recommendation moves to the conference committee for final approval and to be recommended to attend the Certified Lay Ministry Academy.
  6. Attend the CLM Academy retreat.
  7. Enroll and attend the CLM Academy on BeADisciple.com.

Maintaining your Certification requirements:

  1. Complete a Lay Servant Ministries Annual Report yearly.  Form found here.
  2. Interview with the District Committee on Ordained Ministry and be recommended to the Conference Committee on Lay Servant Ministries for recertification every two years.
  3. Complete continuing education aligned with ministry assignment and update a mutual ministry plan.