All In Community

The United Methodist Church’s compassion for the incarcerated dates back to John Wesley’s deep involvement in prison reform in the late 18th century, when he advocated for a humane prison system. All In Community (AIC) is Ohio's United Methodists' modern day, Biblical response to the impact and aftermath of mass incarceration across our West Ohio and East Ohio Conferences' mission fields.


A world of justice, love, and peace filled with people healing holistically from the effects of crime and incarceration and growing in the likeness of Jesus Christ.


To train, resource, and connect United Methodist congregations and our ecumenical partners to embrace our members and neighbors impacted by crime, incarceration, and systems of injustice.


To engage individuals, churches, criminal justice professionals, and community leaders at the local level to restore hope and support healing in lives involved in the criminal justice system.

Click on any of the tabs to discover the relationships, resources, trainings, and tools that are available to help you embrace our mutual call as healers of harm, injustice, and broken relationships as experienced by justice-involved families, friends, and neighbors.

Need help? Have questions? Want to engage?

Contact a Coordinator:

Reba Collins, Lead Coordinator  |  Phone: 513-262-0184

Jami Nathan, Ministries Coordinator
  |  Phone: 491-591-9717

Camisha Chambers, Nurturing Communities Coordinator  |  Phone: 614-966-0281

Brenda Oyer, Grants & Giving Coordinator  |  Phone: 567-277-0794