Effective and productive conversations between S/PPRC committees and clergy leaders are an essential ingredient in the relationship between a local ministry setting and the clergyperson. It is also vital to the growth of the leadership capacity of our clergy. One way we facilitate that conversation is through good and honest evaluative conversations. This process is an integral part of an overall system for pastors and churches to evaluate their ministries and strategically align for ministry together.
We utilize the SMART Goal Formation process. The evaluation tool is comprised of three parts:
- The Local Church Pastor Assessment Form, which should be completed by the pastor
- The West Ohio Conference Pastoral SPRC Assessment form, which should be completed by the SPRC
- The SMART Goal Formation Plan Guide, which should be completed by the pastor and the SPRC together
We’d like to receive these evaluations from pastors and S/PPRC committees no later than June 1, 2025, so that we have them prior to the annual one on one meetings between your District Superintendent and Pastor. You may submit your forms to the district office at any time between now and then. You can scan and/or email them to your district office.
- The priorities that you identify through the assessment process should help you with setting goals on the SMART Goal Formation Guide, and you should revisit these goals together quarterly.
- The forms can be found below. Note that you should download and save the forms to your computer before completing them.
- The online forms do not have a word limit per se, but the text becomes smaller as more text is entered onto the forms. If you need more space, feel free to attach additional pages.
Contact the district office with any questions you may have. We remain grateful for your service to your church and your pastor(s).