Join a Mexico VIM Team Journey in 2024
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Each year, the West Ohio Conference sends five to six Volunteers in Mission teams to the Oriental Conference in Mexico. There, they work with a ministry called Manos Juntas - Hands Together - which has a variety of outreach programs, including a daycare center, children's home, after school programs, community center, retreat center, construction ministry, and medical clinic. While West Ohio teams are best known as medical teams, there are plenty of other opportunities for ministry with Manos Juntas!

Teams can take part in construction projects, run a VBS program, or hang out with kids at the children's home!

Here are some thoughts from volunteers on the September 2023 VIM team:

We obviously are blessed to live in a country with much abundance but we tend to lose sight of what brings true happiness. Even in the orphanage the smiles on the children’s faces demonstrated what kindness and love can do for “the least of these.”

- Dr. Doug Fosselman

As for my thoughts, they are daily remembrances and questions on what to do next. I’m committed to raising funds for a portable dental unit and passionate about supporting the orphanage. We are grateful that we were able to go to Mexico and help in some small way. We pray daily for the people there.

- Dr. Doug Hoover

It’s always a pleasure to be with the folks who need the services - to see their smiles and hear their "gracias" for things that were easy for us to do. I love how the team always comes together and learns how to work well in just three days.

- Barb, Five-time volunteer

2024 Mexico VIM Team Journeys:

•            January 24-28, 2024

•            March 21-25, 2024

•            July 24-28, 2024

•            September 11-15, 2024

•            November 20-24, 2024

If you are interested in joining a VIM team to Mexico in 2024, email to be put in touch with a team leader!