Confirmation Connection

Join us for the District Confirmation Connection gathering!

Confirmation leaders, you are invited to bring your confirmation students to the Confirmation Connection at First UMC in Franklin on April 6 from 3-5:30pm.

Last year’s Confirmation Retreat with Bishop Palmer was a really special event for our students.  Many of you have asked whether that event would take place again this year.  Due to Bishop Jung’s commitment to the days on the district and visiting all churches in both the East and West Ohio Conference, he will not be able to host the event this year.  Instead, we will host these events by District. The students will get to spend time with their District Superintendent and other conference leaders, and have the opportunity to interact with students and leaders from other UM churches in the area to better understand what it means to be a United Methodist.

Hosted by our West Ohio Conference Next Gen Engagement team, students will learn about our UMC connection, participate in a mission project, an art project, worship, food, and fun to bring our connection to life.


3:00pmMissional Connection
4:00pmThe Connection Comes to Life
4:15pmLiving the Connection
4:30pmQ&A with District Superintendent
4:45pmCommunion Together
5:00pmDinner Together

Location Name
Franklin First United Methodist Church
Location Address
303 S. Main Street, Franklin Ohio, 45005