  • Special session
    Delegates Needed for…

    The postponed 2020 General Conference will be held April 23 - May 4, 2024, in Charlotte, North Caro…

  • Ohio UMC CDC
    Ohio UM Community…

    The United Methodist Community Development Collaborative is an initiative for East and West Ohio c…

  • FS Exchange1
    Large Church Ministry…

    The Fresh Starts Large Church Ministry Exchange is on September 21 with special guest for this exch…

  • ghx
    Fresh Expressions - GHX…

    another opportunity to join a GHX Cohort begins this fall on September 15, 2023! GHX is a new…

    Save the Date for an…

    Midwest Mission Distribution Center is in need of UMCOR Hygiene and Menstrual Hygiene Kits! After s…

  • World Communion Sunday1
    World Communion Sunday…

    The 2023 Special Sunday Kit provides a full package of ready to use resources to help your church c…

  • Leadership
    Opportunities to Serve…

    As we approach the fall and prepare for a new quadrennium, our West Ohio Nominations Team is excite…

  • Health Flex
    A HealthFlex Message…

    The new HealthFlex Plan is coming January 1, 2024. HealthFlex is rapidly gaining popularity, thanks…