Equipping Events


“Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.” – Hebrews 10:23-25

In a ministry field of BIG changes, we have learned that consistency, connection, collaboration, and companionship are essential for moving forward in ministry together in love and good works.  All In Community puts into practice the Hebrews writer’s principles for growing stronger through adversity.  As such, we offer monthly environments designed for mutual discipleship, equipping for good works, encouraging engagement and restorative relational healing.  Each environment harnesses collective compassion, wisdom, gifts and innovation from the group gathered online. As we bring hope and healing in the midst of people’s harmful circumstances, we all need consistent infusions of hope, connection and collaboration. So, mark your calendar and plan to participate in the following monthly offerings.

4th Mondays @ 7:00-8:30PM on ZOOM

“And work for the peace and prosperity of the city where I sent you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it. For its welfare will determine your welfare.” – Jeremiah 29:7

Ministry Mondays opportunities are for learning about specific All In Community ministry pathways both connectionally and within local congregations that radiate out into the community-at-large. Topics may include HOPE Letters ministry, Restorative Practices & Listening Circles, the First 72, and Good Samaritan Ministry.

Cost Per Session: Free

The next Ministry Monday is August 26 will be a SNEAK PEEK of the schedule of events for this year's Community Experience with Reba Collins.  Advanced registration is required and can be done through ZOOM by clicking HERE


Doing justice-involved ministry is hard. Leading it is even harder. All In Community provides an anchor of support and guidance on the journey. All In Community Leadership Labs are environments for Matthew 25 co-laborers who minster with justice-involved persons and/or who are transforming their own justice-involved journey. Together, we are learning and growing in our mission of restoring hope, supporting journeys toward healing, and transforming lives and communities to reflect Kingdom values of justice and belonging.

Led by justice-involved persons and All In Community leaders. All Leadership Labs provide theological exploration, reflective practices, tools and resources, and mutual learning environments for more affective leadership. Breakfast and lunch are provided.

Cost to Attend: AIC Leadership Labs are free. A hospitality offering is greatly appreciated.

For more details, check out our September Lab's description below. And remember to download the Leadership Lab flyer at the bottom.

LEADERSHIP LAB: Community Leadership 

September 14 :: 9AM-5PM @ West Ohio Conference Center

When communities are healthy, transformation happens. Healthy communities, however, do not just happen. They are intentionally built and nurtured by leaders. The Community Leadership Lab is designed for leaders who desire to transform their teams and organizations into communities of belonging. Together, we will explore theology, theories, and practices that help us activate effective, impactful community-building practices.

Register here.

Questions or comments? Contact Reba Collins at rebakco@gmail.com or 513-262-0184.



 August 21 & 28, 11:30AM-1PM, On Zoom

Worship and music both aid in self-regulation/healing and each holds value individually and collectively. In 2023, the National Institute on Health reported that more than 1 in 5 adults live with mental illness. This is heavily attributed to the variety of traumatic experiences one has endured in a lifetime. However, there is an antidote readily available to assist. Music has been intricately woven into society’s fabric, and held individuals, entities, and movements together for more than two centuries. From ancient medical practices to modern day science, music has been consulted for its’ vast healing properties. This session offers participants the chance to unpack the gift known as music while identifying its’ neurological impact. Additionally, participants will learn how to incorporate trauma-informed worship practices within their respective churches to assist congregants navigating challenging times. Lastly, participants will have the opportunity to depart with 2-3 practical applications that promote positive emotional health and well-being. Come join Dr. Camisha Chambers for this invigorating – and timely - conversation designed to build and maintain thriving congregations! There are two different options to attend Registration details are below.

Cost: Free
Facilitator: Rev. Dr. Camisha Chambers, All In Community Nurturing Communities Coordinator

Registration Links:
August 21:
August 28:  https://wocumc.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAqdO6trTspG9DYBn3Dv_EMe5EuhP2pS63p


October 3 (Wedgewood UMC, Akron)
October 22 (Bexley UMC, Columbus)

Time: 10AM-3PM:

Jesus’ story reflected so much of our everyday lives. He was surrounded by and encountered deeply traumatic situations and highly traumatized people. And if we dare to be involved in ministry work, it’s safe to conclude that experiencing some form of trauma is inevitable. However, there is hope for us all. A resurrected person is a resilient person. Jesus IS alive, and because we are resurrected with Christ, we, too, can live a resilient life.

Resilience is not about being the toughest, strongest, or having the most 'grit'. It's about acknowledging our complete dependence on the triune God and accepting that we cannot navigate life on our own. A resilient life is a gift from God, and it's a gift that's accessible to everyone

This one-day workshop recognizes the beauty in every individual, as well as, the pain we experience as pastors in walking with justice-impacted persons. In this retreat, we will recognize the special burdens carried in this area of ministry and learn resilience with a simple approach of identifying and strategizing. We will identify the variety of traumas that have impacted our human nervous system, local churches, and surrounding communities and strategize ways to become resilient through customized, evidence-based educational and interactive sessions.

Cost: $20 for meal and materials
Facilitator: Rev. Dr. Camisha Chambers, All In Community Nurturing Communities Coordinator

Registration Links:
October 3:
Deadline to Register is Sept 26

October 22:
Deadline to Register is October 15

October 15 (Bexley UMC, Columbus)
November 6 (Wedgewood UMC, Akron)

Time: 10AM-3PM

What if people left your worship service with some sense of healing from the pain and suffering of living in today’s world? This workshop is designed for pastors, worship leaders, and music ministers who are responsible for creating worship environments. We will explore ways in which we can use scripture, music, and liturgy to promote resilience among those gathered.  

Cost: $20 for meal and materials
Facilitator: Rev. Dr. Camisha Chambers, All In Community Nurturing Communities Coordinator

October 15 Registration Link: https://www.westohioumc.org/event/all-community-trauma-resilience-worship-arts-workshop Deadline to Register is October 9

November 6 Registration Link: https://www.westohioumc.org/event/all-community-trauma-resilience-worship-arts-workshop-0 Deadline to Register is October 30

Questions or Request for Support?

Please reach out to:
Dr. Camisha Chambers, Nurturing Communities Coordinator: nurturingcoordinator@gmail.com :: 614-966-0281