Full time clergy are expected to take one day off a week in addition to their day of Sabbath rest.

What is the difference between a day off and a day of Sabbath rest?
- REMEMBER: Your day off is NOT the day to
- Write your sermon
- Catch up on the work you didn’t do the rest of the week.
- Do pastoral care visits
- Check your email
Practical Ideas for a Day Off
- This is your day to incorporate the “stuff of life.” This might include (i.e. grocery shopping and meal planning, errands, laundry, lawn care, home repairs, pay your bills, etc.)
- Spend time with friends and family
- Enjoy recreational activities (recess for grown-ups)
- Enjoy some of your hobbies (i.e. sewing, woodworking, painting)
Clergy are encouraged to use their vacation each year.
Clergy Vacation Policy