Things to Consider The Gospel/Good News the everyday Study Bible New Century Thomas Nelson Bibles: What is the Gospel? What forms might the Gospel take in contemporary interaction with people? That is what he said, but I wouldn’t take it as gospel.” “The Book of John is the fourth Gospel.” I have always liked Gospel music.” The contemporary usages of the word gospel do not tell us much about the biblical concept of gospel (or Good News), “Good News” in the ancient world was used to describe an announcement of victory and the reward that went to the messenger who brought it; later, it came to apply to other joyful messages. The biblical idea of Good News is rooted in the fact that God is the King of everything, and that he will exercise his Kingship to make things right in this fallen creation. Here is the Good News: • The Lord God is King, and he is coming to free the oppressed – Isaiah 40:3 • In the coming of Jesus, the kingdom of God is at hand --Mark 1:14-15 • God is saving us through the work of Christ, who died for our sins…was buried, and raised to life on the third day according to 1st Corinthians 15:1-4 • This salvation is demonstrated in the here-and-now as God release the captives, heal the sick, comforts the wounded, and liberated the oppressed – Luke 4:18-19 • Also, even the call to change our hearts and lives is Good News because it prepares the way for the King to come – Mark 1:15 When Jesus began his public ministry, he came preaching the Good News: the kingdom of God is near – Mark 1:14-15! This preaching is more than the proclamation of a message—it shows and tells! Jesus not only tells the Good News, but he also preforms God News by demonstrating the saving rule of God in the here-and now. His Good News speaks to every human need. • Jesus set free those who are oppressed by evil spirits – Mark 1:21-28 • Jesus heals the sick – Mark 1:29-34 • Jesus forgives sins – Mark 2:1-12 • Jesus relates to outsiders: a person with leprosy – Mark 1;40-45; and a tax collector – Mark 2:13-14 • Jesus calms the storm – 4:35-41. • Jesus raised the dead – 5:35-43. However, after Jesus’ death and resurrection, there is a shift in the usage of “Good News.” Jesus , the proclaimer of the Good News, becomes the center of the Good News message which is called the Good News about Jesus Christ the glory of Christ the anointed one and his anointing (Gods presence, blessings, power, and favor) the Son of God. How can we faithfully live out the Good News today, • First things first—we need to change our hearts and lives and to acknowledge that Jesus is King – Mark 1:15, however, that does not mean that we are perfect, but we need to acknowledge that He is the One with the right to have the final say in our lives—otherwise how can we call him Lord. • Second, there is not Good News apart from submitting to Jesus as King. • Third, the Good News/Gospel is to be obeyed – John 3:36; Romans 1:5 As believers we become agents of the Good News when we serve as God’s representatives in the world, which means that we must share God’s love with people I a way that demonstrates the rule/authority/ of God in the Here-and-Now in meeting human needs. Peace out, Calvin |
Things to consider by Calvin Alston, Jr