Apply to be be a Global Mission Fellow
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Apply to be a Global Mission Fellow

Become a Global Mission Fellow and join the movement of young adults who cross boundaries to better understand and respond to injustice.

The Global Mission Fellows program of The United Methodist Church places young adults, ages 20–30, in social justice ministries for two years of service. The program is excited to announce the launch of the application for both tracks: service in the United States (US-2 track) and around the world (international track).

Honest Baraya, pictured here, is a Global Mission Fellow serving in the North Katanga Conference at the Kamisamba Farm. The West Ohio Conference is a partner in mission with several ministries in the North Katanga Conference in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, including Kamisamba Farm.

Fellows on both tracks address deep-rooted systems of injustice, working in a variety of areas including food insecurity, migration/immigration, education and poverty. Fellows on the US-2 track leave their home state to serve in a new community and fellows on the international track serve outside their home country in a new context.

All fellows gain a fresh perspective on systems preventing social change as they engage with current world issues. They form meaningful relationships with their host community as they are mentored by organizations meeting immediate needs and working toward lasting transformation.

The application deadline for the international track is Jan. 17, 2024 and, for the US-2 track, April 9, 2024.