Taking The Next Faithful Step Together
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Dear Ones in Christ Jesus:

Grace to you and Peace in the strong name of Jesus the Christ.

I want to thank you for a meaningful Annual Conference Session. I believe that our time together was effective and fruitful. If nothing else, we cleared the hurdle of being in person again at long last. While we did not sing it out loud together, we were all no doubt singing in the Spirit And Are We Yet Alive. Our times of worship, learning, fellowship, listening and speaking and decision making have positioned us well to take our next faithful steps.

In addition to thanking all of you who are the members of conference I would be an ingrate not to reiterate here a hearty Thank You to all of the volunteer committees and teams as well as a dedicated staff who labored tirelessly before, during and after to make things run smoothly.

Your kindness and generosity of spirit toward Cynthia and I was touching indeed. In truth every expression of your love and care taste sweeter as we turn the corner for a final run. Our hope across the next fourteen months is to finish strong and hand the baton off without slippage or a drop.

I want to remind you that we distributed nearly 1500 copies of Unrelenting Grace, A United Methodist Way of Life during our days together. I am boldly asking that you take it to heart personally and that you invite at least one small group to grow with you using this material. If you initiate a group please do not limit yourself to only inviting people you may already be in in some kind of growth group with. Spread the love. Get creative. Break barriers. Don’t settle for just one group.

The author, Bishop Kenneth H. Carter, Jr. will give us two online training sessions for those who want to lead a group.

The link to the dates for those and the registration are:

Wednesday, June 21, 2023 - 10:30am to 12:00pm Click here to register

Tuesday, August 22, 2023 - 4:30pm to 6:00pm Click here to register

Taking the next faithful step with you I am,

Your servant in Christ Jesus, 

Gregory V. Palmer