Peace With Justice Grant Supports West Ohio Freedom Schools
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In the summer of 2022, seven United Methodist-related Children's Defense Fund Freedom Schools built relationships with more than 365 scholars and their families, all around the West Ohio Conference.

Those Freedom Schools included...

·    All People Freedom Schools (Columbus)

·    Asbury North (Columbus)

·    Covenant Freedom School (Springfield)

·    Licking County Freedom Schools

·    Lima Area Freedom School

·    Monroe Street Freedom School (Toledo)

·    Montfort Heights Freedom School (Cincinnati)

This year, thanks to the Peace with Justice Special Sunday offering, all six of the Freedom Schools that applied will receive grant funding from the West Ohio Conference to support their programs. Every year, half of the Peace with Justice special offering collected in West Ohio stays in West Ohio to be used for ministries like Freedom Schools! Support the Peace with Justice offering through your local church on Sunday, June 4, 2023, or give online anytime here.