VBS Mini-Grants Available from Foundation
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Thanks to the generosity of a major donor, the United Methodist Foundation of West Ohio is pleased to announce the availability of mini-grants for VBS programs in West Ohio. Grants of $250-$1000 will be available for curriculum materials, supplies, staff costs, or other expenses related to the production of Vacation Bible School programs in West Ohio churches.

The Clara’s Kiddies/Jesse’s Vine Endowment was formed in 2017 by Ketha Robbins to support VBS programs in honor of her grandmother and great-grandfather who encouraged her faith. She remembers how much fun she had during those summer days as she learned about the Bible alongside other children who were hearing about Jesus for the first time. To Ketha, this is what made, and continues to make, VBS so special. In her words, “It is a bookend. It is the start of what a person’s spiritual life can become.”

Applications are due by March 15. Special consideration will be given to those serving rural and underserved communities. Contact Maddy DeWitt at 380-223-9229 or mdewitt@wocumc.org for more information.