VIM Team Leader Training Refresher Videos Now Available
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Have you completed the VIM Team Leader Training but find yourself in need of a refresher? West Ohio has created a series of five VIM Team Leader Training Refresher Videos to assist you! Perhaps you need ideas for recruiting team members, or need to be reminded what forms should be completed prior to your mission journey.

You may wonder what it looks like to run your team’s finances through the Conference, or how to find a project to fit your team’s interests. All of these topics and more are addressed in these five videos:

  • The Basics
  • The Team
  • The Checklists
  • The Forms & Website
  • The Finances

To watch these videos, go to and click on ‘Team Leader Trainings.’ If you have never completed the VIM Team Leader Training, email for more information on when West Ohio’s next training opportunity will be.