HealthFlex Updates from the Conference Benefits Office
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HealthFlex Updates from the Conference Benefits Office

It's time to get down to work now that you are more familiar with HealthFlex.

Here's what you should do before the Annual Open Enrollment Period, which runs from November 1-16.

Preparation Steps to Annual Open Enrollment:

Go to: HealthFlex Group Plan

1.      Review the Premium Credit video to understand how it works.

2.      Locate the Premium Credit funding based on the number of covered participants.

3.      Find the 2024 HealthFlex Rate Sheet for Medical, Dental, and Vision premium costs.

4.      Review the HealthFlex Plan Comparisons.

5.      Visit Alex the Benefit Counselor decision support tool.

6.      November 1 – 16 go to to enroll in HealthFlex.

Next Open Enrollment Meeting on October 19 from 2:00 – 4:00 PM EST:

This is your last chance to attend a virtual open enrollment session. Click here to register for this session. A recording of the webinar will be available for those unable to attend.

Waiving/Declining HealthFlex Coverage:

  • Mandatory Enrollment applies to 75% and 100% Full Members, Provisional Members, and Associate Members, or a 100% Local Pastor unless you already have coverage through your spouse’s employer plan, Medicare, Medicaid, Tricare, Chamus, or any other veterans’ coverage.
  • If you are an eligible Clergy or Conference/District Staff Employee and wish to waive HealthFlex coverage, you can do so by completing the HealthFlex Waiver Form and emailing it to by November 16.

HealthFlex “Grand parenting” Groups until 2025:

If you are currently enrolled in the active conference healthcare plan and fall into one of the following categories, please contact the Conference Benefits Office at for guidance:

·        Half-time Elder et al or half to three-quarters Local Pastors.

·        Dependent subscriber, retired, or deceased clergy.

·        Dependent subscriber who would qualify for Medicare and/or Medicaid otherwise.

Thanks, and Appreciation

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to pastors, support, and technical staff for graciously opening their doors to host the Open Enrollment Meetings held October 3 – 4.

I would also like to thank everyone who attended and participated in the meetings. A big shoutout goes to Church of the Savior, Pastors Meshach Kanyion, and Karen Crawford, as well as Peyton Volin, Melissa Hagemeier, and Dorothy Stadelman for their valuable contribution.

I would also like to thank Linworth UMC, Rev. Anna Guillozet, and Stephanie Haseltine, Shawnee UMC, Rev. Dr. Lori Reiber, and Ashley Rosenbrock for their support. Last but not least, a special thanks to the McGohan and Brabender Team, Dilys Gyimah, Benefits and HR Coordinator, HealthFlex Team, and the Communication Team for all their work.