Fresh Expressions - GHX Cohort Begins
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another opportunity to join a GHX Cohort begins this fall on September 15, 2023! GHX is a new approach to revitalization, bridging your established church to those in your community. In the GHX Cohorts, clergy and laity teams are trained to dream new ideas for new ministries to connect with people outside the walls of the church. GHX Cohorts last three months. There is an in-person opening meeting, three coaching sessions via Zoom, an in-person closing meeting, followed by a final Zoom coaching call.

What are people saying about their experience from the GHX Cohorts?

“Our goal is to make connections in the community, and we are doing it!” ~ Rev. Linda Ward, Bremen UMC

“Our church is continually looking at ways to be out in the community. I don’t believe this would have happened had we not been a part of a GHX Cohort.” ~ Rev. Ruth Carter-Crist, Pandora UMC and Gilboa UMC

“Because of our GHX, I see people who haven’t had some hope or dignity in a long time while we sit down and eat with them. When you give time to someone and actually listen, something happens inside of them.” ~ Rev. Karl Penn, Fort McKinley UMC 

It’s time to take church to the people! We encourage teams of 3-4 to register together. (pastor + 2-3 laity). Click here for more information or to register!