First Preschool Training Day Inspires Leaders
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On May 23, 2024, West Ohio's Connectional Ministries Team held it's first gathering of preschool teachers. Attended by preschool directors and teachers, the gathering also included church leaders and volunteers who work with preschool aged children. The day was filled with learning, exploration, and fellowship.

Participants spent time exploring how to connect the building blocks of faith into their daily rhythms, discovering ways to connect with families, and creating meaningful and engaging spaces that allow for God-sized questions.

Although attendees left equipped with resources to help build relationships with families, they also created bonds with new colleagues in ministry and are looking forward to gathering again.

One teacher return to her ministry setting and created a sensory bottle for children to spend time with Jesus using colored rice, hope-filled images, and the fun-sized Jesus each participant received. (see image)

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