All In Community Leadership Team Realigns
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All In Community (AIC) is a ministry of West Ohio that exists to equip local churches to become communities of support for families and individuals impacted by incarceration.

This year, AIC has reorganized their team to better serve the community and local churches to be remain a sustainable ministry. Below are the names of the leadership team and their responsibilities.

Reba Collins – AIC Community Engagement Coordinator

Collins has led the West Ohio All In Community ministry for the past six years. In her new role, Reba’s focus will be leadership development and expanding community partnerships.

Jami Nathan – Training & Ministries Coordinator

Nathan has been an active member of the All In Community team for six years. In her role she will lead signature ministries of AIC such has Hope Letters and the Good Samaritan Ministry while growing new initiatives, such as the Four Friends Speakers Bureau, consisting of former incarcerated individuals who speak in a variety of settings to share first-hand knowledge of what it means to be incarcerated and a returning citizen.

Brenda Oyer – Development Coordinator

Oyer began serving with AIC last year. In her new role she will coordinate and oversee development campaigns, research grant opportunities, manage donor communication and data, grant allocation and other development tasks which help the ministry remain sustainable.

For more information on the All In Community Ministry, click here.