
"If you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then shall your light rise in the darkness and your gloom be as the noonday." - Isaiah 58:10 (ESV)

In the United States, more than 47 million people, including 14 million children, are food insecure. In Ohio, one in five children face hunger. Lack of jobs that provide a living wage has always been one of the root causes of hunger in the U.S. Add in the end of pandemic-era assistance and high inflation, and the number of people experiencing hunger and food insecurity has risen exponentially.

What does The United Methodist Church say?

"Jesus’ own concern for human need in his ministry is a model for the church’s concern. His opposition to those who would ignore the needs of the neighbor makes clear that we grossly misunderstand and fail to grasp God’s grace if we imagine that God overlooks, condones, or easily tolerates our indifference to the plight of our neighbors, our greed and selfishness, or our systems of injustice and oppression." - UM Book of Resolutions, #4051

"In spite of general affluence in the industrialized nations, the majority of persons in the world live in poverty. In order to provide basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter, education, health care, and other necessities, ways must be found to share more equitably the resources of the world. … As a church, we are called to support the poor and challenge the rich." - UM Social Principles, The Economic Community, Poverty

What can You do?


Child Nutrition in Ohio

Hunger Network of Ohio

Feeding America

No Kid Hungry

Expand SNAP for seniors from a minimum of $23 a month to $50 a month. Many seniors in Ohio are on fixed incomes and trying to respond to growing health concerns, inflation and much more. Increasing the minimum SNAP benefit will help keep older Ohioans healthy and fed. Send an email here.