2025 Candidacy Summit- January

During the Winter Candidacy Summit Retreat, candidates will have an opportunity to worship, fellowship, meet with their mentoring group, learn in large and small group settings, and reflect with others who are also exploring God's call on their lives.

In order to attend, candidates must be recommended by their District Superintendent AND complete all the necessary preparatory work. Please see the Candidacy Process Step-by-Step Guide at www.westohioumc.org/candidacy or talk with your District Leadership for more information.

Registration Information: West Ohio candidates will use the online registration link at the bottom of this event page to register by December 15, 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions
Where will I stay? Virtual
Where is the location of the Summit? Virtual
What should I have available for the Summit?

• Answering the Call (The Candidacy Guidebook), your Calendar, Bible, completed River of Life and your call story (see Step-by-Step Guide for Retreat preparation)

• Lap-top with internet access required. Please do not bring an iPad or tablet for use with the Psychological Assessment.

• Your Group Sessions will be coordinated with your Mentor and Group for sessions after the Summit.

Questions? Contact:
Rev. Donnetta Peaks, West Ohio Conference, Director, Office of Ministry
Mrs. Susan Thomas, West Ohio Conference, Specialist, Office of Ministry

Event Sponsored By
West & East Ohio Conference
Location Name
Susan Thomas