A HealthFlex Message from Conference Benefits Office
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The new HealthFlex Plan is coming January 1, 2024. HealthFlex is rapidly gaining popularity, thanks to the collaboration between West Ohio Board of Pension and Health and Wespath Benefits and Investment.

This innovative program offers comprehensive health and wellness solutions for WOC-eligible active clergy (non-retired), conference/district employees, and their families. To learn more about this change, how it works, key concepts, and essential dates for upcoming education sessions, click below for more information and follow relevant materials to clarify any queries and to supplement your learning.

Our next scheduled communication will cover the tools listed below to get you thinking about “how to shop” the benefits plan menu and apply your “premium credits” to cover the cost or reap the savings of your benefit plan elections:

•           HealthFlex “premium credit” dollar amounts.

•           Premium rates for multiple healthcare plans.

•           Summary plan descriptions for the various benefit plan options.

•           Information and resources specifically for Medicare-age working clergy.

•           Enrollment automation process and service enhancements.

•           October Annual Open Enrollment meetings and timeline.

It is a lot of information to take-in and unpack, but necessary for a program installation of this size and magnitude. Study. Sit with and get comfortable with the new information and changes. Anticipate bumps along the way and be patient with the process. We plan to ensure that you are fully informed throughout the HealthFlex migration to crossing and arrival. 

We will make it safely to shore.


Grace S. Welch, Conference Benefits Officer