North Star Congregations
[ “I am the light of the world.” – John 8:12 ]

The North Star is the anchor of the northern sky. It can be a helpful guiding light to those who are looking for a purposeful direction. Historically, the North Star has always provided a beacon of hope in times of uncertainty. North Star Congregations are local churches in the West Ohio Conference that are prepared to welcome and care for anyone whose church has closed or disaffiliated. North Star Congregations are United Methodist faith communities that provide a haven of peace and grace.
There is a place for all in the United Methodist Church.
Steps to Become a North Star Congregation
Step 1 | Review and understand the North Star Congregation Covenant.
Step 2 | Inquire online to become a North Star Congregation.
Step 3 | Receive North Star Congregation Covenant document from the West Ohio Conference.
Step 4 | Present the North Star Congregation Covenant to the Church Leadership and provide a signed covenant (Church Council Chair and Lead Pastor) to the conference office.
Step 5 | Notify your congregation and your community and begin living into the responsibilities as a North Star Congregation.
Step 6 | Your church will be celebrated and promoted as a North Star Congregation and added to the conference website. Promotional materials will be provided at no cost.
Step 7 | A North Star Care Team member will be contacting you to offer prayer, support and resources as you live into being a North Star Congregation.