Visioning Workshop

What’s a vision? It’s an answer to the simple—yet radical—question: “When we’re really fruitful in our work at a particular point in the future, what will our church look like?”  Imagine going to a website where you could log on and, with the right password, view your church as it will be five years from now.   Well, the website (as far as we know) doesn’t exist yet.  But you have the software you need right in your own head—and the heads of others on your team.  In this workshop, learn how effective visioning has been an important part of Zingerman’s success and how you can use this powerful tool to fuel your church, and your personal growth. Zingerman's has worked with all types of organizations all across the globe.

This training includes resources and lunch will be provided by The Christian Family Credit Union.

Location Name
Peace UMC - Pickerington
Location Address
235 Diley Rd, Pickerington
Terri McClain